NanoAPI Docs
Intro to Nano APIGetting StartedAutomatic BuildsStep 1: Create an API TokenStep 2: Add the API Token to Your Repository as a Secret ValueStep 3: Set Up Your CI/CD PipelineStep 4: Push a New CommitFAQsNanoAPI versus NetlifyNanoAPI versus VercelNanoAPI versus AWS Lambda

Automatic Builds

Nano API supports automatic builds for your services. This means that whenever you push a new commit to your repository, Nano API will automatically build and deploy your service, tagged with that commit's hash.

To set this up, see the following steps, which assume you have already completed the Getting Started guide:

Step 1: Create an API Token

First, you will need to create an API token. This token will be used to authenticate your service with Nano API. To create an API token, go to the API Tokens page and click on the "Create a new token" button.

Add a name for your token, and it will appear in the upper right of the screen. Click on the token to copy it to your clipboard.

You can create as many tokens as you need, and you can revoke them at any time.

Create API Token

Note: Keep this token safe. It is used to authenticate your service with Nano API.

Step 2: Add the API Token to Your Repository as a Secret Value

Next, you will need to add the API token to your repository as a secret value. This is done to ensure that your token is not exposed in your repository.

To add the API token as a secret value, go to your repository on GitHub or GitLab and navigate to the "Settings" page. From there, click on the "Secrets" or "Environment Variables" tab, depending on your platform, and create a new secret named NANO_API_KEY. Paste the API token as the value for this secret.

You can, of course, use whatever name you prefer for the secret, but you will need to reference it in your CI setup in the next step correctly.

Add Secret Value

Step 3: Set Up Your CI/CD Pipeline

Finally, you will need to set up your CI/CD pipeline to trigger a build and deploy your service whenever you push a new commit to your repository. Using GitHub Actions as an example, you can create a workflow file in your repository under .github/workflows with the following content:

# .github/workflows/deploy_using_nano.yml
name: nanoapi_build_and_deploy
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Request build and stream output
- name: Build Serverless functions and deploy via Nano API
uses: Nano-API/Deploy@main
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Best practice is to store your API key as a secret
api_key: ${{ secrets.NANO_API_KEY }}

This workflow file will trigger a build and deploy action whenever you push a new commit to your repository. You can customize the workflow file to suit your needs, such as specifying the branch to deploy from or adding additional steps.

Step 4: Push a New Commit

With your CI/CD pipeline set up, you can now push a new commit to your repository. This will trigger the workflow and automatically build and deploy your service using Nano API. You will be able to watch the output in the Actions tab of your repository.

Wrap Up

And that's it! You now have automatic builds set up for your service with Nano API. Whenever you push a new commit, Nano API will automatically build and deploy your service, making it easy to iterate and deploy changes quickly.